Pastoral Care
Pastoral care at Ashcroft Technology Academy is based on the philosophy of "developing care, understanding and mutual respect". We are seeking a joint approach from all those involved and connected with Ashcroft Technology Academy, the staff, students, parents/guardians – an approach which is based upon a recognition of the dignity and self-esteem of each individual.
The Pastoral System at Ashcroft Technology Academy is organised by the Key Stage Managers and their assistants. Each Head of Year is responsible to the Deputy responsible for Personal and Social Development who in turn liaises with the Principal. This system focuses on supporting all students to ensure that they reach their full potential both in terms of their learning as well as their personal and social development.
If there are any child protection issues these should be directed in the first instance to Deputy Principal, Mr Phil Hall or Principal, Mr Douglas Mitchell. Our safeguarding and child protection policy can be downloaded from the link below.
Every student will also be a member of one of the four Houses in the Academy. Each House is made up of a vertical group of forms - allowing all age groups to belong to a common grouping. The 4 Houses are each led by one of the Deputy Principals and provide opportunities for healthy “in school” competition.