Oxbridge and medicine applicants
We are delighted that so many former Ashcroft Technology Academy students have been accepted to study at Oxford and Cambridge universities. We offer a tailored programme of support which gives our students the knowledge, understanding and confidence required to secure a place at either institution. Guidance for Oxbridge applicants is delivered throughout Year 12 and when students enter Year 13 there are weekly sessions between September and December to support students through every step of the application process.
With so many teaching staff and former students who have attended Oxford or Cambridge, we are able to provide personal support to each student. This programme also includes visits to Oxbridge and visits to the Academy by Oxbridge admissions tutors, support with admissions tests and thorough preparation for the interview process.
Our teachers provide specialist support to students who are applying to study courses related to their curriculum area. This ranges from regular meetings to review and improve personal statements, discussions of recent academic papers, through to clubs and societies such as the Ashcroft Medical Society. This approach fosters in students a deeper understanding of their subjects beyond the confines of exam specifications. Enabling our students to acquire a broad understanding of their subject has proved invaluable in terms of university applications and interviews, aiding them in the pursuit of their ambitions.